Time To Blogging

Hey guys, whereaver you’re,..!! as you know to be a blogger’s the best choice for anyone who want to be entrepreneur although in the cyberspace, many blogers have been success with their blog as the youngest blogger success in the world. his name’s Michael Dunlop he is little younger from united kingdom was grow up with dyslexia, he has never like and want to school, so he got education by himself, and he used his weakness to get experience and tried whatever he could.  And in the long run he found his ability on the blog. He developed his blog as personal blog, and he got much money from his blog.

blogging idea

And much more successful bloggers out there, you can find out by yourself J. Earning money from blog it’s the best option to selected. If you haven’t enough money or do not want put out your money to buy domain, you can use free domain from google that is blogspot and sometime also you can replace it with your own domain. You can also used wordpress, but it too hard comprehend like you as newbie(as me too)because wordpress used PHP language and plugin-plugin have been developed.

If you really want to serious to get blog and earn money from your blog, there are two factors gotta you do, first you have to master basic technique to make or editing blog, as HTML,CSS, JAVA SRIPT and many more, you must be master them all in order to help you later to editing or anything else.

Secondly you have to smart to create articles and stringing words that make visitor on and on to know the next yor articles, DO NOT EVER to copy paste from people’s blog article, that is make you and your blog get bad  rating from the owner article have you copas and search engine as google.

Now Google as the world's largest search engine has sophisticated robots to detected the cheating has been done the its users, especially blogspot users. Almost every year, google realease the new algorithm to make the result of browsing more efficiently and on target visitor what they are looking for. 

As the Hummingbird algorithm, can damage and destroy the bad blogs and they removed from the browsing results. And the algorithm liked the original content and that it make the  blog sit up on the main page of the search results. So on google original work of blog realy respect and much appreciated.